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Better Together: The Power of Building a Community of Like-Minded Entrepreneurs

Welcome to the magical world of entrepreneurship, where the only thing more powerful than a cup of coffee is a supportive community of fellow dreamers and doers.

As many entrepreneurs know, the gig can be a isolating, daunting, and downright frustrating at times. Together, we'll unlock the secrets of networking, collaboration, and leveraging the power of a like-minded circle.

Ollie Grace Cookie Co Better Together Cookie
Ollie Grace Cookie Co Better Together Cookie

The Power of Connection

Opening up our circle to fellow entrepreneurs is like unlocking bonus skills, experience, and support. Imagine having a group of individuals who understand the hustle, the late nights, and the victories - that's the beauty of it - Like PB & J, we should embrace the idea that we are better together - the first step towards creating a thriving community where everyone's strengths can shine.

Personal Story: Nurturing a Community

I remember the early days of my entrepreneurial journey, juggling between cookie deadlines, family commitments, and self-doubt. It wasn't until I connected with a group of driven moms also working that side hustle life that my perspective shifted. I found solace through simple acts of sharing insights, collaborating on projects, and even offering a helping hand when needed. These individuals became the people I went to for questions, frustrations, and celebrations of wins!

The Art of Bartering

Sometimes I feel the word "Barter" gets a bad rap, however, it's truly just the exchange of goods and/or services for another. One of the most beautiful aspects of fostering a community of like-minded individuals is the opportunity to trade services. As entrepreneurs, we possess a diverse set of skills - from graphic design to social media marketing, from financial planning to recipe creation, to so much more. By engaging in a system of bartering, we can exchange services without the burden of hefty expenses, creating a win-win situation for all parties involved. Not only do I love the non-existent price tag, I feel the reviews, mentions, tags, and community engagement from such transactions propels both businesses forward - Making it a win-win! :)

Personal Story: The Barter System in Action

My first barter experience came from an amazing "mompreneur" who owned a boutique a few towns over. Having tried and struggled to find a location for my cookie decorating classes, she welcomed me with open arms to use her space on a day the shop isn't open. We had an amazing turnout and in return, the classes brought her ideal client RIGHT into her store. We worked together to market for it, creating coupon codes and a special "VIP" shopping experience. Since this first class (almost exactly one year ago!), her and I collaborate on events together, support each other, and I would truly consider her a dear friend of mine (Cue the "Awww" now - Haha).

Other examples of bartering have included party decor, hair styling, wedding planning (My cookies got to be part of an amazing wedding styled photo shoot!), vendor speaking engagements, and so much more! I absolutely love the little community that has grown through a shared interest in the HUSTLE.

Supportive Community

Community Over Competition

Almost like a mantra, I firmly believe in community over competition. In the competitive world we live in, it's easy to fall into the bad habit of viewing fellow entrepreneurs as rivals, however, collaboration and building on each other's strengths is where we all can prosper. I live in MN. We currently have more cookie artists than I could even begin to count. When I first started decorating, I felt I need to "compete" with these individuals - win the business with competitive pricing and aggressive sales tactics. I learned quickly that there was plenty of business to go around, even with a saturated market! I am continuously having to turn down orders due to time constraints (if you don't know, cookies take a LOT of time). I now have fellow cookiers I can recommend confidently when I cannot take the client's order.


In the journey of entrepreneurship, we are never truly alone. By surrounding ourselves with a community of like-minded individuals, especially the super hero moms navigating the intricate dance of business and motherhood, we unlock a world of opportunities, support, and endless growth. Let's continue to build, nurture, and cherish these connections, for we are truly better together.

Join the movement of connection, collaboration, and community. Let's rewrite the narrative of entrepreneurship, one shared success at a time. Together, we are unstoppable.

In the spirit of building a supportive community, share your experiences of connecting with fellow entrepreneurs and the power of collaboration in the comments below! How has being a part of a like-minded circle impacted your entrepreneurial journey? Let's inspire and uplift each other on this incredible adventure of entrepreneurship.

Want to connect with me? Find me on Instagram, where I'm always available for collaborating, support, or just sending funny memes ;)

Until Next Time,


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